Klaipeda Science and Technology Park has goals that are at the center of the technology transfer industry; that is, to share skills, knowledge, technology, and manufacturing methods to governments and other organizations in order to promote scientific and technological development, and advance ideas to others who can then develop them further. The technology transfer industry is one that has had rapid growth in the last few years, especially in the United States. This article is a database of links to other websites of technology transfer centers. The first section is comprised of links to other technology-focused companies, followed by a section comprised solely of links to technology transfer centers in the University setting in the United States. The purpose of this article is simply to compile on one page an organized list of links to technology centers, in a way that is easy to browse and simple to understand. It is my hope that even from Eastern Europe, there are steps we can take to begin to form connections with similar organizations across the world. Let this database be a step towards this goal of international cooperation.
Association of University Technology Managers: http://www.autm.net/Mission_and_Goals/4752.htm
Association of University Research Parks: http://www.aurp.net/mc/page.do;jsessionid=56A663BD9B8532ED9A7CB3DBA8690934.mc1?sitePageId=113861
Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer: http://www.federallabs.org/
The Center for Technology Commercialization, Inc.: http://www.ctc.org/site/about.htm
Technology Commercialization Center, Inc.: http://www.teccenter.org/services/
Industrial Research Institute: http://www.iriweb.org/Main/About_IRI/Public_Site/Navigation/About_IRI/About.aspx?hkey=3abf9016-ebde-4e80-96b2-782044e3528c
Acorn Technologies, Inc.: http://acorntech.com/
Air Products: http://www.airproducts.com/technology/content/
ConocoPhillips: http://www.conocophillips.com/EN/tech/Pages/index.aspx
Intellectual Property Owners Association: http://www.ipo.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=About_IPO
National Technology Transfer Center: http://www.nttc.edu/aboutus/whoweare.asp
West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation: http://www.wvhtf.org/
Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation: http://www.cmu.edu/cttec/
The Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center: http://www.mattcenter.org/
Global Intellectual Property Center: http://www.theglobalipcenter.com/pages/who-we-are
Idaho Technology Transfer Center: http://idahot2.org/
Carbondale Technology Transfer Center: http://www.4cttc.org/
ECO Technology Transfer Center: http://www.ettcenter.org/
National Center for Technology Innovation: http://www.nationaltechcenter.org/index.php/about/
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: http://www.pnl.gov/business/tech_transfer.aspx
NineSigma: http://www.ninesigma.com/WhoWeAre/NineSigmaOverview.aspx
Innovaro: http://www.innovaro.com/ClientServices/TechnologyMarketplaces/IPConsulting.aspx
Nerac: http://www.nerac.com/about_nerac.php#
Competitive Technologies, Inc.: http://www.competitivetech.net/
Technology Ventures Corporation: http://techventures.org/
First Principals, Inc.: http://www.firstprincipals.com/
5iTech: http://5itech.com/index.htm
IMAP: http://www.imap.com/industries/high_technology.cfm
Alabama Technology Transfer Center: http://www.alabamat2.org/
Wyoming Technology Transfer Center: http://wwweng.uwyo.edu/wyt2/
University of Utah Technology Commercialization Office: http://www.tco.utah.edu/
The University of Iowa Economic Development / Technology Transfer: http://research.uiowa.edu/content/economic-developmenttechnology-transfer
University of Rochester Technology Transfer: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/technology-transfer/about/
University of Colorado Technology Transfer Office: https://www.cu.edu/techtransfer/
University of Michigan Tech Transfer: http://www.techtransfer.umich.edu/about/index.php
Harvard University Office of Technology Development: http://www.techtransfer.harvard.edu/
Yale University Technology Transfer: http://www.yale.edu/ocr/
Princeton University Technology Transfer: http://cfr.princeton.edu/cfr/partnerships/techtransfer.xml
Columbia University Technology Ventures: http://www.techventures.columbia.edu/
Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing: http://otl.stanford.edu/
University of Pennsylvania Center for Technology Transfer: http://www.ctt.upenn.edu/
Caltech Technology Transfer: http://www.ott.caltech.edu/
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technology Transfer: http://web.mit.edu/tlo/www/community/process.html
Dartmouth College Technology Transfer: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~tto/
Duke University Office of Research Support: http://www.ors.duke.edu/orsmanual/inventions-patents-and-technology-transfer
University of Chicago Office of Technology: http://tech.uchicago.edu/
Northwestern University Innovation and New Ventures Office: http://www.research.northwestern.edu/invo/
John Hopkins University Technology Transfer: http://www.techtransfer.jhu.edu/
Brown University Technology Ventures Office: http://research.brown.edu/btp/index.php
Cornell University Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization: http://www.cctec.cornell.edu/
Rice University Office of Technology Transfer: http://ott.rice.edu/
Vanderbilt University Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise Development: http://otted.vanderbilt.edu/
Louisiana Tech Technology Transfer Center: http://www.coes.latech.edu/ttcs/index.html
University of Southern California Technology Transfer Center: http://ttc.usc.edu/
McGill University Office of Technology Transfer: http://www.techtransfer.mcgill.ca/about/index.php
University of Notre Dame Office of Research: http://www.nd.edu/~research/technology/index.htm
Emory University Office of Technology Transfer: http://www.ott.emory.edu/
Georgetown University Office of Technology Commercialization: http://otc.georgetown.edu/
Carnegie Mellon University Technology Transfer: http://www.cmu.edu/corporate/tech-transfer.shtml
University of Virginia Technology Transfer: http://www.research.vcu.edu/ott/
Boston College Technology Transfer and Licensing: http://www.bc.edu/research/ottl/home.html
Penn State University Technology Transfer: http://www.research.psu.edu/techtransfer
Syracuse University Office of Technology Transfer: http://techtransfer.syr.edu/
Purdue University Office of Technology Commercialization: http://www.prf.org/otc/
Texas A&M University Office of Technology Commercialization: http://otc.tamu.edu/
Clemson University Office of Technology Transfer and Business Innovation: http://www.clemson.edu/research/technology/
Rutgers University Office of Technology Commercialization: http://otc.rutgers.edu/
University of Pittsburgh Office of Technology Management: http://www.otm.pitt.edu/
Michigan State University Technologies: http://www.technologies.msu.edu/
Auburn University Office of Technology Transfer: http://www.auburn.edu/research/vpr/ipttadm/
Drexel University Office of Research: http://www.research.drexel.edu/tc/default.aspx
Iowa State University Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer: http://www.techtransfer.iastate.edu/
University of Vermont Innovations: http://www.uvminnovations.com/
Duquesne University Office of Research: http://www.duq.edu/research/technology-transfer/index.cfm
University of Arizona Office of Technology Transfer: http://www.ott.arizona.edu/
Washington State University Research Foundation: http://www.wsurf.org/
University of Oklahoma Technologies: http://otd.ou.edu/technologies/index.html
University of South Carolina Office of Intellectual Property: http://ip.research.sc.edu/
University of Tennessee Research Foundation: http://utrf.tennessee.edu/
Temple University Office of Technology Transfer: http://www.temple.edu/ovpr/ott/
Hofstra University Technology Transfers: http://www.hofstra.edu/about/Administration/Provost/orsp/orsp_tech.html
Kansas State Technology Transfer and Development: http://www.k-state.edu/cecd/technologydev/
Missouri University of Science and Technology: http://ecodevo.mst.edu/
University of Minnesota Office for Technology Commercialization: http://www.research.umn.edu/techcomm/
Posted by: Calvin Ruth.
2010 m. lapkričio 30 d., antradienis
Liquid Natural Gas Terminals, Europe
Liquid Natural Gas Terminals are being constructed all over the world, including Europe. LNG terminals are centers that are built with the specific purpose of accepting or sending off shipments of natural gas, which has been changed to its liquid form in order to ease its transport. For companies in Europe, such as the Klaipeda Science and Technology Park, it is important to keep track of the current locations of the terminals in this rapidly growing industry, and keep watch on projects that are in the process of becoming operational. This article is simply a database of the Liquid Natural Gas Terminals in Europe, organized by country location, with links to their specific websites and brief descriptions of the project as taken directly from their website. The first section of this page gives links to similar broad databases of LNG terminals; it is followed by LNG terminals that are currently operating, and then by a section of LNG terminals that are proposed, and in the planning or construction stages, but not yet operational. The purpose of this page is simply to compile in one place an organized list of links to terminal information on other websites that can be browsed through in a way that is easy to navigate and understand.
Europe: http://www.kslaw.com/library/pdf/LNG_in_Europe.pdf
PDF file Database, Europe LNG
World: http://www.globallnginfo.com/World%20LNG%20Plants%20&%20Terminals.pdf
PDF file Database, World LNG Terminals
Operating LNG
1. Belgium, Zeebrugge:
Description: “LNG Terminal, 1987-2010. Serves as a gateway to supply LNG into Northwestern Europ.”
2. France, Montoir: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/gazdefrancelng/
Description: “2007-Present. The Montoir de Bretagne terminal is the largest with a storage capacity of 360,000m³ supplying over 15% of the LNG for the French market”.
3. France, Fos-Tonkin: http://www.elengy.com/en/about-elengy/facilities/fos-tonkin.html
Description: “This LNG Terminal spans 17.5 hectares to the North of a man-made artificial harbour on the banks of the Rhone River. The facility was commissioned in 1972 and is France‘s second pargest LNG terminal.”
(France) http://www.elengy.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Plaquette_Elengy_VA/Plaquette_Elengy_GB_v2.pdf
Description: PDF file, “Elengy LNG Terminals in France”
4. Greece, Revithoussa: http://www.sofregaz.fr/en/news/2007/revithoussa-greece-lng-import-terminal-mechanical-completion-certificate
Description: “SOFREGAZ covers all the engineering fields related to natural gas. Its scope of activities encompasses every stage of the gas chain: production and treatment, liquefied natural gas (LNG), transmission compression, underground storage, and pumping stations.”
5. Portugal, Sines: http://www.smm.com.pt/uk/projecto/6+32/sines-lng-terminal-expansion-project/
Description: “2009-Present, Mechanical construction of one LNG tanks with 150.000 m3 of capacity. The works include all necessary equipments for the global project conclusion.”
6. Spain, Bilbao: http://www.iea.org/work/2005/LNGGasMarkets/session_7/3_Francisco_de_la_Flor.pdf
Description: “PDF file, LNG Terminals in Spain. Includes: Bilbao, Barcelona, Cartagena, Huelva, Sagunt”
7. Turkey, Marmara Ereglisi: http://naco-construction.com/ProjectDetail.asp?PID=91
Description: “1989- Present. Construction of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal, LNG Storage Tanks, process piping system, pipeline, land reclamation, shore protection and jetty construction.”
8. Turkey, Aliaga Plant: http://www.egegaz.com.tr/en/terminal.aspx
Description: “Two full containment LNG tanks each 140.000 m3, Regasification and send-out capacity: 6 bcm/y of high pressure, Jetty: LNG vessels upto Q-max; unloading capacity of 11.000 m3/h.”
9. UK, Grain: http://www.nationalgrid.com/uk/GrainLNG/mission/
Description: “2005- Present. Expansion of the terminal, to triple capacity to 9.8 million tonnes per annum (12% of UK gas demand), is now complete with three of the biggest above ground full containment LNG storage tanks in the world.”
10. UK, South Hook: http://www.southhooklng.co.uk/cds-web/view.do
Description: “The South Hook Terminal, a part of the Qatargas 2 integrated value chain, is the largest Liquefied Natural Gas re-gasification terminal in Europe. The terminal has successfully completed the build and commissioning of Phase 2 and is complete, and will be able to provide the UK with a significant proportion of its natural gas requirements.”
11. UK, Dragon Milford Haven South Wales: http://www.dragonlng.co.uk/
Description: “Dragon’s liquefied natural gas terminal consists of: a jetty, storage tanks and regasification facilities combined with gas export capabilities for 365 days per year continuous operation. The terminal has the capacity to receive and unload up to 217,000 cubic metre capacity carriers in approximately 24 hours”.
12. Italy, Isola Di Porto Levante: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/adriatic/
Description: “2004- Present. Aim: Supply of Italian gas grid with 6.4 billion cubic metres of gas a year for 25 years”.
13. Italy, Brindisi: http://www.brindisi-lng.it/en-GB/Pages/default.aspx
Description: “Brindisi LNG will be a liquefied natural gas terminal that will be located at Capo Bianco, the deep-water outer harbour of Brindisi port. The facility will incorporate the latest technology and safety features, with capacity for regasifying six million tones of LNG per annum. Brindisi LNG will be capable of supplying up to 10% of Italy’s current gas demand.”
14. Italy, Panigaglia: http://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/operations-strategies/gas-power/polo-gnl-panigaglia.shtml
Description: “The plant, located at Fezzano di Portovenere (SP), is Italy's complex for the receipt and re-gasification of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)”.
15. Italy, ENI: http://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/operations-strategies/other-companies/lngshipping/lngshipping.shtml
Description: “The purpose of LNG Shipping S.p.A. is the exercising, in Italy and overseas, of the shipping activities with ship of every size and tonnage, whether owned or chartered. Acting on behalf of Eni, LNG Shipping carries out the management of Lng marine transportation, which is controlled by Eni Gas & Power Division.”
16. Italy, Adriatic: http://www.adriaticlng.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hzJ193PydvIwMDV2cTA08LdwNvMxcLQwMzE6B8JG75QHMCusNB9uHXD5I3wAEcDfT9PPJzU_WDM0v0C3IjDLJMHBUBLAmumg!!/dl3/d3/L0lHSkovd0RNQU5rQUVnQSEhL1lCZncvZW4!/
Description: “2005- Present. The Adriatic LNG Terminal is the world’s first offshore Gravity Based Structure (GBS) for unloading, storing and regasifying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). With its 8 billion cubic meters capacity, approximately equal to 10% of the country’s entire gas consumption, the Adriatic LNG Terminal will make a significant contribution to increasing and diversifying Italy’s traditional sources of energy imports, thus contributing to the security and competitiveness of Italy’s energy supplies.”
17. North Adriatic, Rovigo: http://www.adriaticlng.com/wps/wcm/connect/b446b4004ec1a851a256a2d344b11302/04+The+Terminal.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=b446b4004ec1a851a256a2d344b11302
Description: PDF File. “The Adriatic LNG Terminal is the first ever offshore Gravity Based Structure (GBS) for unloading, storing and regasifying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
The facility is located offshore of Porto Levante, in the northern Adriatic Sea, about 15 kilometers off the Veneto coastline, where it is set on the sea floor.”
18. The Netherlands, Lion Gas: http://www.liongas.nl/?id=87
Description: “LionGas is the second regasification terminal to be developed by 4Gas. The project was initiated in 2001. Located in Rotterdam, Europe’s most important energy port, the terminal will facilitate efficient access to the North-West European gas markets.”
19. The Netherlands, Gate Terminal: http://www.gate.nl/index.php?fotoalbum_id=&taal_id=2
Description: “First LNG import terminal in the Netherlands with access to northwest Europe. The terminal will have an initial throughput capacity of 12 billion m3 (bcm) per annum and will consist of three storage tanks and two jetty's. Annual throughput capacity can be increased to 16 bcm in the future.”
20. Norway, Melkoya Island, Hammerfest: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/snohvit/
Description: “2002- Present. The Snøhvit LNG project was constructed to exploit the resources of three gas fields in the Barent Sea: Snøhvit, Albatross and Askeladd (240m to 345m deep), which lie about 140km northwest of Hammerfest in Norway.”
Proposed LNG
1. Italy, Livorno: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/livorno/
Description: “LNG Carrier conversion, Completion: End of 2010, operational by 2011. Aim: New capacity for the Italan market.”
2. Italy, Priolo Augusta, LNG: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/priolo-augusta-lng-terminal
Description: “Priolo Augusta Lng is a project planned by Shell & ERG, to build a regasification Terminal in Sifily. Permission to build not yet granted. Storage capacity: 2 tanks of 150,000 cubic meters. Unloading capacity: Can handle carriers of between 70,000 and 200,000 cubic meters, Unloads at 10.000/12.000 m³ per hour”.
3. Italy, Porto Empedocle: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/porto-empedocle-lng-terminal
Description: “Suppliers: 2 Billion cubic metres of gas is expected to be supplied by EGAS from Egypt. Customers: The terminal will export the natural gas product via one gas pipelines operated at high pressure (75 barg nominal) and will deliver gas to the Italian national grid via a connection to the Snam Rete Gas pipeline at the Porto Empedocle node point approximately 7 km north of the terminal location”.
4. Spain, El Musel, Enagas: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/el-musel-lng-terminal
Description: “Expected Start-Up date: 2012. Customers: The terminal will supply the domestic gas grid and two combined cycle power stations in the Asturia province of Spain.”
5. France, Dunkerque: http://dunkerque-lng.edf.com/uk/index.html
Description: “EDF, through its subsidiary DUNKERQUE LNG, is considering building an LNG terminal on Dunkirk Port land. Expected Start-Up date: 2014. With an annual capacity of between 10 and 13 billion m3, this terminal is a response to French and European market expectations. It will make a significant contribution to security and diversification of supplies by increasing the capacity to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with the twin priorities of improving security and environmental protection.”
6. France, Le Verdon: http://www.pegazlng.com/?id=19&LANG=EN
Description: “Gas has signed a contract with Port of Bordeaux for a 20-hectare land option at Le Verdon for developing a LNG import terminal. The land option concerns the site of a former oil storage depot offering excellent marine access and is ideally suited as a LNG import terminal location.”
7. Sweden, Brunnsviksholme: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/brunnsviksholme-lng-terminal
Description: “Customers: Fortum, among others, will use the natural gas to replace petroleum for city-gas production in Stockholm and the Nynas refinery will use the natural gas in its production of hydrogen gas. Expected Completion: 2011.”
8. UK, Canvey: http://www.canveylng.co.uk/
Description: “Proposal to build 240,000m3 of Liquefied Natural Gas storage capacity at the existing Calor owned terminal in Thames Road, Canvey. A full scale planning application and project plan is now being developed. includes the building of 2 full-containment tanks, each consisting of an inner tank made of nickel steel and an outer tank made of pre-stressed concrete. The facility will also include two new loading arms on the existing jetty, a regasification plant and additional underground pipeline for gas importation into the National Transmission System.”
9. Poland, Swinoujscie: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/swinoujscie/
Description: “Location: Baltic Coast, Poland. Products: LNG for the domestic good. Expected Start-Up date: 2014. The terminal will be constructed at Swinoujscie near Szczecin in the western part of Poland's Baltic coast (West Pomeranian region). The advantages of this placement include the lower costs to receive big ships and freight compred with those in Gdansk, and there are large gas consumers (power station and chemical plant) in the immediate vicinity.”
Posted by: Calvin Ruth.
Europe: http://www.kslaw.com/library/pdf/LNG_in_Europe.pdf
PDF file Database, Europe LNG
World: http://www.globallnginfo.com/World%20LNG%20Plants%20&%20Terminals.pdf
PDF file Database, World LNG Terminals
Operating LNG
1. Belgium, Zeebrugge:
Description: “LNG Terminal, 1987-2010. Serves as a gateway to supply LNG into Northwestern Europ.”
2. France, Montoir: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/gazdefrancelng/
Description: “2007-Present. The Montoir de Bretagne terminal is the largest with a storage capacity of 360,000m³ supplying over 15% of the LNG for the French market”.
3. France, Fos-Tonkin: http://www.elengy.com/en/about-elengy/facilities/fos-tonkin.html
Description: “This LNG Terminal spans 17.5 hectares to the North of a man-made artificial harbour on the banks of the Rhone River. The facility was commissioned in 1972 and is France‘s second pargest LNG terminal.”
(France) http://www.elengy.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Plaquette_Elengy_VA/Plaquette_Elengy_GB_v2.pdf
Description: PDF file, “Elengy LNG Terminals in France”
4. Greece, Revithoussa: http://www.sofregaz.fr/en/news/2007/revithoussa-greece-lng-import-terminal-mechanical-completion-certificate
Description: “SOFREGAZ covers all the engineering fields related to natural gas. Its scope of activities encompasses every stage of the gas chain: production and treatment, liquefied natural gas (LNG), transmission compression, underground storage, and pumping stations.”
5. Portugal, Sines: http://www.smm.com.pt/uk/projecto/6+32/sines-lng-terminal-expansion-project/
Description: “2009-Present, Mechanical construction of one LNG tanks with 150.000 m3 of capacity. The works include all necessary equipments for the global project conclusion.”
6. Spain, Bilbao: http://www.iea.org/work/2005/LNGGasMarkets/session_7/3_Francisco_de_la_Flor.pdf
Description: “PDF file, LNG Terminals in Spain. Includes: Bilbao, Barcelona, Cartagena, Huelva, Sagunt”
7. Turkey, Marmara Ereglisi: http://naco-construction.com/ProjectDetail.asp?PID=91
Description: “1989- Present. Construction of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal, LNG Storage Tanks, process piping system, pipeline, land reclamation, shore protection and jetty construction.”
8. Turkey, Aliaga Plant: http://www.egegaz.com.tr/en/terminal.aspx
Description: “Two full containment LNG tanks each 140.000 m3, Regasification and send-out capacity: 6 bcm/y of high pressure, Jetty: LNG vessels upto Q-max; unloading capacity of 11.000 m3/h.”
9. UK, Grain: http://www.nationalgrid.com/uk/GrainLNG/mission/
Description: “2005- Present. Expansion of the terminal, to triple capacity to 9.8 million tonnes per annum (12% of UK gas demand), is now complete with three of the biggest above ground full containment LNG storage tanks in the world.”
10. UK, South Hook: http://www.southhooklng.co.uk/cds-web/view.do
Description: “The South Hook Terminal, a part of the Qatargas 2 integrated value chain, is the largest Liquefied Natural Gas re-gasification terminal in Europe. The terminal has successfully completed the build and commissioning of Phase 2 and is complete, and will be able to provide the UK with a significant proportion of its natural gas requirements.”
11. UK, Dragon Milford Haven South Wales: http://www.dragonlng.co.uk/
Description: “Dragon’s liquefied natural gas terminal consists of: a jetty, storage tanks and regasification facilities combined with gas export capabilities for 365 days per year continuous operation. The terminal has the capacity to receive and unload up to 217,000 cubic metre capacity carriers in approximately 24 hours”.
12. Italy, Isola Di Porto Levante: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/adriatic/
Description: “2004- Present. Aim: Supply of Italian gas grid with 6.4 billion cubic metres of gas a year for 25 years”.
13. Italy, Brindisi: http://www.brindisi-lng.it/en-GB/Pages/default.aspx
Description: “Brindisi LNG will be a liquefied natural gas terminal that will be located at Capo Bianco, the deep-water outer harbour of Brindisi port. The facility will incorporate the latest technology and safety features, with capacity for regasifying six million tones of LNG per annum. Brindisi LNG will be capable of supplying up to 10% of Italy’s current gas demand.”
14. Italy, Panigaglia: http://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/operations-strategies/gas-power/polo-gnl-panigaglia.shtml
Description: “The plant, located at Fezzano di Portovenere (SP), is Italy's complex for the receipt and re-gasification of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)”.
15. Italy, ENI: http://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/operations-strategies/other-companies/lngshipping/lngshipping.shtml
Description: “The purpose of LNG Shipping S.p.A. is the exercising, in Italy and overseas, of the shipping activities with ship of every size and tonnage, whether owned or chartered. Acting on behalf of Eni, LNG Shipping carries out the management of Lng marine transportation, which is controlled by Eni Gas & Power Division.”
16. Italy, Adriatic: http://www.adriaticlng.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hzJ193PydvIwMDV2cTA08LdwNvMxcLQwMzE6B8JG75QHMCusNB9uHXD5I3wAEcDfT9PPJzU_WDM0v0C3IjDLJMHBUBLAmumg!!/dl3/d3/L0lHSkovd0RNQU5rQUVnQSEhL1lCZncvZW4!/
Description: “2005- Present. The Adriatic LNG Terminal is the world’s first offshore Gravity Based Structure (GBS) for unloading, storing and regasifying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). With its 8 billion cubic meters capacity, approximately equal to 10% of the country’s entire gas consumption, the Adriatic LNG Terminal will make a significant contribution to increasing and diversifying Italy’s traditional sources of energy imports, thus contributing to the security and competitiveness of Italy’s energy supplies.”
17. North Adriatic, Rovigo: http://www.adriaticlng.com/wps/wcm/connect/b446b4004ec1a851a256a2d344b11302/04+The+Terminal.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=b446b4004ec1a851a256a2d344b11302
Description: PDF File. “The Adriatic LNG Terminal is the first ever offshore Gravity Based Structure (GBS) for unloading, storing and regasifying Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
The facility is located offshore of Porto Levante, in the northern Adriatic Sea, about 15 kilometers off the Veneto coastline, where it is set on the sea floor.”
18. The Netherlands, Lion Gas: http://www.liongas.nl/?id=87
Description: “LionGas is the second regasification terminal to be developed by 4Gas. The project was initiated in 2001. Located in Rotterdam, Europe’s most important energy port, the terminal will facilitate efficient access to the North-West European gas markets.”
19. The Netherlands, Gate Terminal: http://www.gate.nl/index.php?fotoalbum_id=&taal_id=2
Description: “First LNG import terminal in the Netherlands with access to northwest Europe. The terminal will have an initial throughput capacity of 12 billion m3 (bcm) per annum and will consist of three storage tanks and two jetty's. Annual throughput capacity can be increased to 16 bcm in the future.”
20. Norway, Melkoya Island, Hammerfest: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/snohvit/
Description: “2002- Present. The Snøhvit LNG project was constructed to exploit the resources of three gas fields in the Barent Sea: Snøhvit, Albatross and Askeladd (240m to 345m deep), which lie about 140km northwest of Hammerfest in Norway.”
Proposed LNG
1. Italy, Livorno: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/livorno/
Description: “LNG Carrier conversion, Completion: End of 2010, operational by 2011. Aim: New capacity for the Italan market.”
2. Italy, Priolo Augusta, LNG: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/priolo-augusta-lng-terminal
Description: “Priolo Augusta Lng is a project planned by Shell & ERG, to build a regasification Terminal in Sifily. Permission to build not yet granted. Storage capacity: 2 tanks of 150,000 cubic meters. Unloading capacity: Can handle carriers of between 70,000 and 200,000 cubic meters, Unloads at 10.000/12.000 m³ per hour”.
3. Italy, Porto Empedocle: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/porto-empedocle-lng-terminal
Description: “Suppliers: 2 Billion cubic metres of gas is expected to be supplied by EGAS from Egypt. Customers: The terminal will export the natural gas product via one gas pipelines operated at high pressure (75 barg nominal) and will deliver gas to the Italian national grid via a connection to the Snam Rete Gas pipeline at the Porto Empedocle node point approximately 7 km north of the terminal location”.
4. Spain, El Musel, Enagas: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/el-musel-lng-terminal
Description: “Expected Start-Up date: 2012. Customers: The terminal will supply the domestic gas grid and two combined cycle power stations in the Asturia province of Spain.”
5. France, Dunkerque: http://dunkerque-lng.edf.com/uk/index.html
Description: “EDF, through its subsidiary DUNKERQUE LNG, is considering building an LNG terminal on Dunkirk Port land. Expected Start-Up date: 2014. With an annual capacity of between 10 and 13 billion m3, this terminal is a response to French and European market expectations. It will make a significant contribution to security and diversification of supplies by increasing the capacity to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with the twin priorities of improving security and environmental protection.”
6. France, Le Verdon: http://www.pegazlng.com/?id=19&LANG=EN
Description: “Gas has signed a contract with Port of Bordeaux for a 20-hectare land option at Le Verdon for developing a LNG import terminal. The land option concerns the site of a former oil storage depot offering excellent marine access and is ideally suited as a LNG import terminal location.”
7. Sweden, Brunnsviksholme: http://abarrelfull.wikidot.com/brunnsviksholme-lng-terminal
Description: “Customers: Fortum, among others, will use the natural gas to replace petroleum for city-gas production in Stockholm and the Nynas refinery will use the natural gas in its production of hydrogen gas. Expected Completion: 2011.”
8. UK, Canvey: http://www.canveylng.co.uk/
Description: “Proposal to build 240,000m3 of Liquefied Natural Gas storage capacity at the existing Calor owned terminal in Thames Road, Canvey. A full scale planning application and project plan is now being developed. includes the building of 2 full-containment tanks, each consisting of an inner tank made of nickel steel and an outer tank made of pre-stressed concrete. The facility will also include two new loading arms on the existing jetty, a regasification plant and additional underground pipeline for gas importation into the National Transmission System.”
9. Poland, Swinoujscie: http://www.hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/swinoujscie/
Description: “Location: Baltic Coast, Poland. Products: LNG for the domestic good. Expected Start-Up date: 2014. The terminal will be constructed at Swinoujscie near Szczecin in the western part of Poland's Baltic coast (West Pomeranian region). The advantages of this placement include the lower costs to receive big ships and freight compred with those in Gdansk, and there are large gas consumers (power station and chemical plant) in the immediate vicinity.”
Posted by: Calvin Ruth.
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